Find answers to your pressing questions about the course, commercial property investing, and how Steve Palise's expertise can guide your path to financial success.
What is the Duration of the Course?
How is the Course Delivered?
How Much Does it Cost?
Is This for New Investors or Experienced Investors?
Are There Other Costs I Need to Pay During the Course (such as Access to Data)?
Is the Commercial Property Institute Course Recognised by the Australian Property Institute, and Can Property Professionals Use it to Meet Their CPD Requirements?
Will Participants Receive Any Certification Upon Completing the Course?
Can I Speak to Steve Before Starting the Course?
What Do I Need to Succeed in This Course?
Do You Provide a Team to Work With or Do I Need to Build One?
What Happens Once I Finish the Course? What Are My Next Steps?
Does the Course Cover Residential Property?
Do You Perform Buyer’s Agent Services?
Commercial property investment explained easily, so anyone can do it.

Suite 663/57 Macquarie
St, Parramatta NSW
2150, Australia
2150, Australia